A Clinical intervention
A specific arts based movement therapy modality which consists of both body and non-verbal interventions to treat psychic, somatic and relational difficulties within the individual.
Dance Movement Therapy
APID, the Italian Association for the Association of Dance Movement Therapy, defines DMT as a “specific modality of treatment for various psychological, somatic and relational difficulties and pathologies. Interventions are also for aiding the well-being and personal development of the individual”.
Theoretical orientation has its foundations in psychodynamic psychology (D. Winnicott, C.G.Jung) and in intersubjective psychology (D. Stern, D.Siegel, A. Schore). Among the main theoretical foundations of DMT are the contributions of M. Chace, M. Whitehouse, T. Schoop, J. Adler, J. Chodorow and P. Lewis.
Dance Movement Therapy is used mainly for clinical purposes in those situations where there may be serious psychological difficulty. However, it is also practiced for prevention and rehabilitation in there many forms. The inter- active presence of the therapist in relationship with the patient or client is of vital importance for the unfolding of the patient’s body/mind health and expressiveness. The therapeutic relationship stimulates the healthy potentials in the individual and favors a more harmonious growth of the person during various stages in life.
Dance Movement Therapists

administration Office
Via Raffaello Giovagnoli, 25 Rome
(+39) 340 6356297
(+39) 328 6943850