of the Association


Training in Creative Movement and Mindfulness  

Teachers : Maria Elena García, Marcia Plevin, Patrizia Macagno, Tiziana Giansante


The value of being present to oneself.

Being with oneself in order to be with others.

Consciousness that comes from creating in a group.

The experience and the modulation of the energy flow. Creative use of its strength.

Discover and transforming space inside and around oneself.

The experience of time. 

Movement and forms of vitality.

The senses and their resonance. Objects and materials, stimulation for creativity. 

Personal creative style and the flow of being.

Weekly Activity

of Creative  movement and Dance Movement Therapy

A weekly laboratory of Creative Movement method Garcia- Plevin for Adults.
Roma – Via La Spezia 83

Led by Tiziana Giansante and Gea Lucetti
Every Wednesday from 19,15 – 20,45
Information and registration:

tel. +39 328 6943850-380 3590560

Who the laboratory is for and requirements

Creative Movement is aimed at everyone who wishes to know themselves better through movement.


There are no particular prerequisites and it is not necessary to have had experience in the field of dance.

Fees and Location

Event Fees
The laboratory is held weekly and the fee is 60 euros per calendar month.

Event Location
Via La Spezia 83, Roma


Authentic Movement


Continuous Practice in Rome guided by Maria Elena Garcia and in Arco (Italy) guided by  Marcia Plevin


Around the World

China - Training in Creative Movement

 -Inspirees Institute of Creative Arts Therapy.

12 November- Diyarbikir, Turkey. Creative Movement

12 November 2019. Turkey (in English).


Articles and documentation

Consult bibliography produced by members of the association.


Dance Movement Therapy

A specific arts based movement therapy modality which consists of both body and non verbal interventions to treat psychic, somatic and relational difficulties within the individual.

administration Office 

Via Raffaello Giovagnoli, 25 Rome


(+39) 340 6356297
(+39) 328 6943850